Born in 1977, Thomas Reheisser lives in a family environment that is conducive to the art he discovers as a whole. Two superb perspectives stand out for him as a matter of course: music and drawing. As long as he remembers, Thomas has always held a brush without allowing him to express himself fully. As soon as he graduated from high school, Tex...
Born in 1977, Thomas Reheisser lives in a family environment that is conducive to the art he discovers as a whole. Two superb perspectives stand out for him as a matter of course: music and drawing. As long as he remembers, Thomas has always held a brush without allowing him to express himself fully. As soon as he graduated from high school, Texunion spotted his pencil stroke and recruited him, he designed for it the collections of this mythical brand until 2000, when the company closed. Thomas Reheisser then decided to resume his studies in music and became a teacher at the Mulhouse and Colmar conservatories. Passionate about the guitar, he expresses and transmits through the strings what the brush has not expressed for a long time. Then it was the shock, the trigger, he met Christophe Hohler, a famous plastic pianist. Thomas returns free, free to express through drawing, through painting. His first work, after all these years of silence, is simply breathtaking. Power, depth, maturity, Thomas has found his artistic expression.

Thomas Reheisser became known for his expressionist work, which already revealed, to those observant enough, his attraction to abstraction. He approached the material from a radiographic angle, revealing successive layers, scratched, foregrounding transparency and texture. In 2023, his move to the south of France became a catalyst; he began painting marine landscapes using earth pigments, thereby anchoring his work in reality. Timeless, sublime, and introspective, Thomas's compositions are illuminated by inks and contrasts
Unable to match it, we will quote Lionel Bamond, writer, discovering Thomas' works "Impossible to control the emotion by punching the stomach... In the hollow of these wandering and gushing creatures of a night of carbon, I guess, pell-mell, the blurring of Jean-Jacques Henner, the lighting of Caravaggio, the ink of Soulage, the solitude of Bacon".

Thomas Reheisser : The gallery’s words
3 photos in an email and a modest, almostshy presentation. Thomas Reheisser contacted me, a name I will never forget. The first visual haunts me, the second captivates me, the third decides me. Our exchanges are simple, the artist is in line with the message, modest, simple and generous.

2021, exhibition

2024, exhibition


REHEISSER Thomas  There are 19 artworks

Showing 1 - 19 of 19 items
Showing 1 - 19 of 19 items